Friday, January 6, 2017

Name of activity: Candy Quest
Played game for: 20 minutes
Level I made to: 19
The application this site has is: This application teaches children to code and to use their brain to figure out a puzzle.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Amazon’s Echo Sells Out—Except in Stores

Amazon’s Echo Sells Out—Except in Store

During this holiday season the eco speaker is almost sold on on the amazon website expecting on amazons brick and mortar stores. They are still up for grabs in stores to get for a quick last minutes gift. These eco devices are like smart devices and can connect to smart phone devices and play music.  This popular item won't be coming back into stock until after Christmas. Amazon is one of the online stores that always has plenty of items in stock and can delivery to almost any part of the world but the exhonspeaker shows that this isn't always the case. It seems that popular items that are sold out online will me in amazing books stores. Some products that aren't found in either can be found on amazon prime which I find interesting becuase I don't see why it wouldn't be on Amazon too. The eco devices have been very popular since thanksgiving and has sole over 5 million products. There are also many other popular devices that people are going to want to buy on amazon and they might be out of stock just like the eco devices. John Haber, chief of executive of supply-chain consultancy said, "companies are  trying to keep their inventory low, becuase they don't want to get stuck with a lot of excessive inventory". I think this is smart if companies to have a limited amount online and have others in stores so they don't run out of stock room by having a product that was never sold. Amazon is trying something new and I think it's a great idea but for very popular products they should have more in stock online.

Apprentice Season 2 Favorite Episode

"Scoop Dreams"

Image result for ice cream scoop

My Favorite  was Episode 2


The task was to develop a new ice cream flavor with Chioa Bella Gelato and make the most money by selling it on the streets of New York. Each team had to use their marketing skills to get the public to buy their ice cream.

Team Leaders:

Mosiac; Kelly
Apex; Ivana

Rewards for winners:

Mosiac got a dinner at the Petrossian


From team Mosiac Ivana choose Stacy J, Jennifer C, and Bradford. Ivana choose Jennifer and Bradford to the boardroom because she wanted them to help advocate against Stacie J. They all ganged up on Stacy because she happened to get the location wrong but Trump did not hold Stacy J. accountable for the loss. Trump also states that if Bradford did not surrender himself then Ivana would have been fired for being a poor leader.


Bradford was fired for his rash decision by saying he would be willing to be fired. Trump thought it was ridiculous and fired him on the spot. After being fired Bradford left without his luggage because he did not pack his things prior.

Why this Episode?

I enjoyed this episode because it was fun and creative and i liked the fact that they had to come up with their own ice cream flavor. I feared by of their choices of ice cream they would not be that tasty but each team were successful and sold a lot of ice cream. 

Business Lesson:Image result for organization

The business lesson of the show is to be a strong leader that is able to take charge and is also aware of your surroundings. You cannot rely on someone else to do the work for you if it is a big task. You must do it yourself. A good leader is standing up for a mistake you made rather than blaming it on someone else and having other team mates gang up on one another. Always fight for your team rather then hiding behind your members and stay organized as Trump said for this task.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

2016 Maybelline Ad

                                                                  1960's Maybelline Ad

Chapter 29 Study Guide

Vocabulary 29.1

Problem definition- A business clearly identifies a problem or research issue and the informal necessary to solve it.
Primary data- Data obtained for the first time and used specifically for the particular problem or issue under study.

Secondary data- Data that have already been collected for some purpose other then the current study.

Survey method- A research technique in which information is gathered from people through the use of surveys or questionnaires.

Sample- A part of target population that is assumed to represent the entire population.

Observation method- A research technique in which the actions of people are watched and recorded either by cameras or observers.

Point-of-scale research- A powerful form of research that combines natural observations with personal interviews to get people to explain buying behavior.

Experimental method- A research technique in which a researcher observes the results of changing one or more marketing variables while keeping certain other variables constant under controlled conditions.

Data Analysis- The process of compiling, analyzing, and interpreting the results of primary and secondary data collection.

Vocabulary 29.2

  • Validity- Exists when the questions asked measure what was intended to be measured.
  • Reliability- A researchers technique that produces nearly identical results in repeated trials.
  • Open-ended questions- Asks respondents to construct their own response to a question. 
  • Forced-choice questions- Asks respondent to choose answers in different possibilities given on a question air.

Research Process Steps

Step1: identify and develop your topic
Step 2: do a preliminary search for information 
Step3: locate materials
Step 4: evaluate your sources
Step 5: make notes
Step6: Write your paper
Step 7: Site your sources
Step 8: Review work

Pros and cons of Primary and Secondary data

Pros of secondary data

  • Obtained without cost
  • Good review of a market
  • Based on actual sale items or on research of large samples

Cons of secondary data

  • Data may not be updated that regularly 
  • This research is not what researchers prefers or tailored to their own needs
  • Very expensive to buy reports on different marketplaces

Pros or primary data

  • Can chase questions to your research objective
  • It's the latest info from the marketplace
  • It can asses the psychology from the customer

Cons of primary data

  • Expensive can be 10,000+ in each survey
  • Interviewers and questionnaire are at risk
  • This research may only be usable if it is comparable to the back data 

Question Formatting

Open ended questions: This asked the respondents to create their own answer to the question.
Close ended questions: This asked the respondents to pick from a list of  answers and pick from them.
Yes and no questions: These are simple questions that get straight to it instead of sitting their picking through options
Short answer questions: These give you the opportunity to give your own opinion on a question or topic. These questions are the ones that are considered the most as they may give you ideas to make something better.
Multiple choice: These questions gives you multiple choices answering a question and may make it easier for some people.

Reasons for specific types of questions

These specific types of questions are all different questions and different ways of answering them to give you different options and ways of answering. Having different types of questions make a survey better and more effective for results where you can see different percentages for the answers.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Special Thanksgiving Event

Whole Foods Thanksgiving Catering

The Day of Thanksgiving whole foods will be catering from 8am to 8pm to share clean and great tasting thanksgiving dinners from a their traditional turkey dinners to new organic dishes. Whole foods helps to making thanksgiving easier for you and saves you from cooking giving you a better holiday experience with your family. 

Sunday, November 13, 2016

chapter 28 questions 1-4

Presentation link