Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Apprentice Season 2 Favorite Episode

"Scoop Dreams"

Image result for ice cream scoop

My Favorite  was Episode 2


The task was to develop a new ice cream flavor with Chioa Bella Gelato and make the most money by selling it on the streets of New York. Each team had to use their marketing skills to get the public to buy their ice cream.

Team Leaders:

Mosiac; Kelly
Apex; Ivana

Rewards for winners:

Mosiac got a dinner at the Petrossian


From team Mosiac Ivana choose Stacy J, Jennifer C, and Bradford. Ivana choose Jennifer and Bradford to the boardroom because she wanted them to help advocate against Stacie J. They all ganged up on Stacy because she happened to get the location wrong but Trump did not hold Stacy J. accountable for the loss. Trump also states that if Bradford did not surrender himself then Ivana would have been fired for being a poor leader.


Bradford was fired for his rash decision by saying he would be willing to be fired. Trump thought it was ridiculous and fired him on the spot. After being fired Bradford left without his luggage because he did not pack his things prior.

Why this Episode?

I enjoyed this episode because it was fun and creative and i liked the fact that they had to come up with their own ice cream flavor. I feared by of their choices of ice cream they would not be that tasty but each team were successful and sold a lot of ice cream. 

Business Lesson:Image result for organization

The business lesson of the show is to be a strong leader that is able to take charge and is also aware of your surroundings. You cannot rely on someone else to do the work for you if it is a big task. You must do it yourself. A good leader is standing up for a mistake you made rather than blaming it on someone else and having other team mates gang up on one another. Always fight for your team rather then hiding behind your members and stay organized as Trump said for this task.

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